To soften and aid the removal of tartar on encrusted teeth and to slow down and prevent the formation of new plaque deposits.
How to give Fragaria 3c?
Severe conditions: 3-5 drops in food, or by mouth, up to 3 times daily.
Can be used during pregnancy?: Yes
Can be used during lactation?: Yes
Interactions: Can be used with other medications or supplements.
Product Finishing: Liquid (Alcohol extracted).
Suitable from: 8 weeks.
Always read the label.
Dorwest’s homoeopathic range has been compiled in consultation with homoeopathic veterinary surgeons to ensure that the remedies offered are safe for you to give to your animals and so can be used with the same confidence as their other product ranges. All Dorwest’s homoeopathic preparations can be used in conjunction with their range of veterinary herbal medicines and dietary supplements. Homoeopathic strengths, or potencies, seem unusual insomuch as the more diluted the ‘mother tincture’ from which the remedy is prepared, the stronger the remedy. A 3C remedy is the least potent and a 30C is the strongest. The higher the potency the quicker and deeper its action.
Dorwest are unable to give full therapeutic uses for these remedies but many books are available on the subject. They recommend the following books for those interested in increasing their knowledge of this subject: “People are Pets” by Francis Hunter, MRCVS, VETFFHom and Steven Kaye, PhD, MRPharmS. “Homoeopathic First Aid for Pets” by Christopher Day, MRCVS, VetFFHom. Dorwest will also be pleased to provide you with a list of qualified Homoeopathic Veterinary Surgeons should you require.